On March 13, 2025, a Camelina Day will be held in Baziège, France, bringing together farmers, researchers, and industry professionals to exchange insights on the latest advancements in camelina cultivation. This event is organized by ARVALIS, Terres Inovia, and Saipol, in partnership with Terres Univia, as part of the CARINA Project.
The day will be structured into two key sessions. The morning session will focus on technical discussions, presenting the latest project results and tackling key agronomic challenges related to camelina production. Experts will share insights on optimizing cultivation techniques and addressing barriers to large-scale adoption. The afternoon session will feature a field trial visit, offering participants a firsthand look at ongoing experiments. This will be followed by a technical and economic review, along with a market outlook for camelina-based products.
With growing interest in sustainable oilseed crops, camelina presents promising opportunities for bio-based industries, biofuels, and crop diversification. This event will serve as a platform for knowledge exchange, fostering collaboration between stakeholders across the agricultural value chain.
Participation is free but registration is required. Please, register here: https://bit.ly/3F0nB0P
You can find more information here: https://www.terresinovia.fr/-/journee-cameline-relever-les-defis-techniques-de-l-amont-a-l-aval
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