On July 3rd, 2024, the CARINA Demo Field Day event, organized by Novamont and Coldiretti, took place in Benevento, Italy. This gathering aimed to inform local farmers about the ongoing activities, project results, and potential opportunities arising from the cultivation of carinata and other innovative crops.
The event was highly successful, with around 60 attendees, primarily from local farms. Participants had the opportunity to visit experimental fields of carinata and safflower. These two oil crops are being explored for their potential in producing agricultural raw materials for biorefineries and the creation of various bio-products.
In addition to the CARINA project, the MIDAS and BRILIAN projects were also presented. Special attention was given to safflower, which attracted significant interest from the farmers due to its promising applications.
The day was filled with insightful presentations and engaging discussions, generating a lot of enthusiasm among the participants. The feedback received from attendees was overwhelmingly positive, highlighting the event’s success in fostering interest and knowledge about sustainable agricultural practices and innovative crop cultivation.
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