Brassica Working Group is established within ECPGR (Europeand Cooperative Programme for Plant Genetic Resources) with the aim to conserve ex situ and in situ Brassica plant genetic resources. The aim of EUBRASWILD project was to improve the knowledge of the presence, distribution and biodiversity status of the Brassica wild relatives in the Eastern and South-Eastern Europe as well as to fill the gaps of Brassicaceae wild relative populations in the EU genebanks and in AEGIS. Information on the status of national genebanks and national priorities related to Brassica crop wild relatives (CWRs) were collected during the project. All partners have completed on-site expeditions and collected new accessions of wild Brassicas. Field/greenhouse collection(s) of gathered CWRs populations were established and regenerated. Characterization and regeneration were affected by extreme weather conditions, which were caused by floods in Slovenia and severe drought in Serbia.
The final meeting of the EUBRASWILD project was attended by researchers from Albania, Italy, Slovenia, and Croatia. After the welcoming words and a summary of the entire project by the project leader and the ECPGR secretary, representatives from all institutions, project partners, presented their results in the form of presentations. Discussions focused on the challenges researchers faced during the collection of wild Brassica species and plant regeneration in the field. The meeting also addressed the need to input project results into the AEGIS and EURISCO databases. Following this, a two-day meeting of the Brassica working group within ECPGR took place, that was organized in person and online.
Discussions covered Brassica species currently in the AEGIS database and possibilities and limitations for improving this collection. ECPGR secretary, presented results on the characterization and evaluation of Brassica species accessions in the EURISCO database and provided current information on ECPGR Phase XI. Ferdinando Branca presented results from the BRESOV project (Horizon2020) relevant to the Brassica working group. Smiljana Goreta Ban introduced standards for the gene bank specific to Brassica species, the draft status, and future planned steps.
Participation in the EUBRASWILD project and Brassica working group meetings was significant for establishing new contacts with European and regional researchers and exchanging experiences on past project activities.
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