The UNTWIST project has reached an important milestone with the development of four agronomic protocols designed to optimize camelina cultivation…
The UNTWIST project has reached an important milestone with the development of four agronomic protocols designed to optimize camelina cultivation…
On March 13, 2025, a Camelina Day will be held in Baziège, France, bringing together farmers, researchers, and industry professionals…
The integration of camelina and carinata into French agriculture presents both challenges and opportunities across various aspects, from cultural and…
LINNA® is a cutting-edge computational platform, developed by our project partner Kimitec, that integrates advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence,…
The PEDAL Consulting team presented CARINA project at the 10th Annual Slovak Biogas Association Conference, “The Future of Slovak Biogas…
We are thrilled to announce the launch of the CARINA LinkedIn Group, a dedicated space designed for CARINA project partners,…
On July 3rd, 2024, the CARINA Demo Field Day event, organized by Novamont and Coldiretti, took place in Benevento, Italy.…
From June 11-13, 2024, the 2nd General Assembly of the CARINA Project took place in Thessaloniki, Greece. Seventeen CARINA Project…
From May 19th to 21st, 2024, a member of the CARINA project team from Poznań University of Life Sciences (PULS)…
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