Carinata and Camelina, two minor Brassicaceae with great potential for the European bioeconomy

Oplemenjivanje biljaka za gajenje u združenim usevima

CARinata and CamelINA in Focus for Europe’s Bio-Based Future

Winter Camelina sativa varieties as a source of biodiversity in culture agroforestry

The use of plants oils as insecticides

Phytotoxicity of phenolic acids

Diverse Approaches to Insect Control: Utilizing Brassica carinata (A.) Braun and Camelina sativa (L.) Crantz Oil as Modern Bioinsecticides

Brassica carinata – characteristics, challenges and application possibilities

The influence of selected herbicides on the development of Camelina sativa L. Crantz and Brassica carinata L. Brown

Camelina and carinata cultivation on sandy-textured soils - case study from Poland

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    Funded by the European Union

    Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Research Executive Agency. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.