UNTWIST is addressing the fact that changing climate and extreme weather events are increasingly impacting crop yield and value. UNTWIST is dedicated to tackling this issue by harnessing the potential of camelina, a traditional European oilseed crop known for its climate resilience to provide a mechanistic understanding of successful adaptation strategies to combat drought and heat stress in crops. Moreover, it will develop predictive models and robust markers for crop performance for variable environments. UNTWIST´s long term aim is to improve crop resilience and yield stability in changing, challenging climates and contribute towards increasing the sustainability of European agriculture.
4CE-MED project aims at creating innovative, diverse, and resilient farming systems in the Mediterranean region that do not compete for land with the existing food chain. This will be achieved through a collaborative approach that involves smallholder input in identifying their needs, while planning, monitoring and evaluating the project actions. The 4CE-MED systems are modified traditional farming approaches incorporating camelina, a promising oilseed crop for Europe, as a cash cover crop which might increase farmers’ revenue while enhancing soil and water conservation.
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